Thank you for you interest in Westerville Aquatic Club. Read through the following evaulation information. Once your are finished reading the information, follow the scheduling process for evaluation. 

At this time, we are no longer evaluating swimmers for the Fall/Winter season due to our team reaching capacity.

Please consider our program in the future when we are evaluating for the Summer season (April). If you are interested in joining our program for the Fall/Winter Season, it is best to be evaluated in July.

Age Group Evaluations for the 2025 Spring/Summer Season

A tryout date will be posted for early April soon.

Please schedule a tryout using the button below once the sign up is open.

Before you sign up

Review the prerequisite skills for placement within our program. If you believe your child has them, continue with the process below. If you believe your child needs to develop any of these skills, visit the SwimAmerica website for our learn-to-swim program by clicking the button below.

Prerequisites Skills

SwimAmerica: No prerequisite skills necessary.

Waves (Ages 6-14): 50 yards freestyle + 25 yards backstroke + 25 yards breaststroke kick.

Bronze (Grades 2-4): 100 yards freestyle + 25 yards backstroke + 25 yards breaststroke + 25 yards butterfly.

Silver 1 (Grades 5-6): 100 yards freestyle + 50 yards backstroke + 50 yards breaststroke + 50 yards butterfly + a brief endurance test.

Gold 1 (Grades 7-8): 200 yards freestyle + 100 yards backstroke + 50 yards breaststroke + 50 yards butterfly + a brief endurance test.

Bronze 2, Silver 2, and Gold 2: Swimmers in these groups are selected based on practice habits. 

Tryout Sign Up (Opens in March)

We ask that you not schedule an evaluation unless you have completed the form below and it indicates you should.


For any questions relating to the evaluation process or the age group program, contact Coach Calvin. For all questions relating to the high school and senior programs, contact Coach Jim.